Anaïs Herd-Smith

Anaïs Herd-Smith is a French paper craft artist and stop motion animation director specialising in paper sculpture. Her unique and captivating artistic universe explores a totemic bestiary inspired by nature, chimeras, and mythological monsters. Her joyful and colorful works intrigue with their multiple eyes and fluorescent paint, designed to immerse the viewer in a dreamlike world.
This process of creating her paper sculptures is meticulous and artisanal. Each piece is designed and machine-cut and hand-glued one by one onto an articulated or non-articulated sculpture, demonstrating painstaking craftsmanship. This precise work brings to life fascinating creatures with rich in detail and texture.
The use of stop motion technique allows her sculptures to move, adding a lively and dynamic dimension to her bestiary characters.
Anaïs is surrounded by a team of talented professionals who help bring her sculptures to life. Together, they add a premium tone to the images and invent techniques to animate this delicate and fascinating material.